In memory of Ted Calandruccio
By Coral Calandruccio
Raised so far:
In memory of Jeanette Christy
By Tina Christy
Raised so far:
Recover with a Cuppa
By Amanda Elvy
Raised so far:
Asher Wilcox
By Preston Sargent Emma Pearson
Doing it for Lynette
By katelyn Frewen
The Gautreys Christmas Lights
By Peter Gautrey
Raised so far:
Deck the Hills - James's Christmas cycle from Sydney to Melbourne via the mountains
By Debra Hudson
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2024 Santa Photos
By Clint Johns
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2025 Wish You Were Here Crete Trek
By Con Kanellis
In memory of Beverley Anne Hobbs
By Teal McGuffin
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In memory of John Frederick Millgate
By Stuart Millgate
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Pancreatic Cancer fundraiser
By Bridget Nguyen
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In memory of Sandra Marguerita STREET
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In memory of Michael Pellizzer
By Beau Pellizzer
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In memory of Bruce Savage
By lyn Savage
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In loving memory of Ivana Hayes
By Kerry Soutter
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In memory of Jane Doe
By Mel Tully
In memory of Michael William Wood
By Michael Wood
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